Bjørn Jacobsen - Sound Designer

Cujo Profile

About me

As a child I was heavily interested in sounds. This led me to producing electronic music in the mid 90’s when I was a teen and evolved into numerous releases and tours as a DJ and live performer.

For many years this was my way of life but my interest in the interactive and rock solid production of individual sounds as well as the sound composition of all kinds of media kept growing inside me.

Over time, as I gained experience, I started working on more complex creations, grabbing every possible job I felt would help me dive deeper and learn. Field recording, recording for TV and film, audio post production for short films, apps… Basically any kind of interactive art and media project that was available and seemed interesting.

Sound Design Career

2017 - Present

Unfold Games

Sound Designer

2014 - 2017

Cujo IOI
Cujo unity

Sound Designer

Sound Designer

2010 - 2012

Cujo Serious Games Interactive

Sound Designer

2017 - 2019

Cujo CD Projekt Red

Senior Sound Designer

2012 - 2014

Cujo CCP Games

Sound Designer

2006 - 2012

Cujo Apollo Music

Content Provider



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Copenhagen, Denmark

CVR: DK33730225